Monday, June 13, 2011

Ala. kindergartner's yearbook message forces recall

In Etowah county a kindergarten student was asked what he or she wanted to be when they grow up the student replied, an/a " American solider to beat up all those Bad Muslims!" A third grader was offended and reported it to the principle, and most of the years books were brought back so the quote could be covered up. This poses a new challenge for teachers since we have so many different cultures in our society, and there is a need to start teaching diversity to younger children.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good point to mention. It is something that all teachers are facing in every school system. Luckily, I have been fortunate that I haven't faced these issues yet. However, it is very hard for me not to mention my religious beliefs now and then when it is such a part of my everyday life. I do however watch the context in which I say things when I refer to my beliefs. I make sure my students know that everyone is excepted in the class no matter what or who they believe in. I teach mainly content, but I love fitting those character lessons in on a daily basis as well. I really try to focus on accepting others for their differences and always being a helpful person to anyone in need. My kids have really learned allot from the small lessons/talks that we have in class.
