Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why Kids Need Recess and Exercise


This article focuses on the benefits of recess for young children. Some schools stopped having recess for six months because of an incident on the playground. Another school restricted recess because students' tests scores did not meet federal standards. According to our Annual Editions: Early Childhood Education textbook, a study was done by (Norvell 2006) where children were given the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Text before and after recess. The study showed that the children that had recess before the test preformed better than the children that had recess after the test was administered. I believe all children should get a break to play; adults have to have breaks, so why shouldn't children get a break. Also, children learn from interacting with their peers and using their imagination. We can make sure that our children get recess breaks; it's important for their overall well-being and academic success. 

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